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這位BrunuhVille是葡萄牙音樂家,作品是偏歐風奇幻史詩向,收藏了很久看壇裏沒提過就推一下。作品相關裏有Dragon Empress/Dance With Dragons/Tales of Dragonia/Dragonland/Cry of the Dragons
其實曲單裏有幾首水平會更好些比如Children of the World和Northwind,不過這裏就只放龍題下的了(一個作曲家名下有那麼多幻想龍曲好像已經極爲少見了?)
分享BrunuhVille的單曲《Dragon Empress》: http://music.163.com/song/34142767/?userid=45140345 (來自@網易雲音樂)
分享BrunuhVille的單曲《Dance With Dragons》: http://music.163.com/song/28002610/?userid=45140345 (來自@網易雲音樂)
分享BrunuhVille的單曲《Tales of Dragonia》: http://music.163.com/song/434659207/?userid=45140345 (來自@網易雲音樂)
分享BrunuhVille的單曲《DragonLand》: http://music.163.com/song/29311872/?userid=45140345 (來自@網易雲音樂).
分享BrunuhVille的單曲《Cry of the Dragons》: http://music.163.com/song/36961613/?userid=45140345 (來自@網易雲音樂)
有 5 位朋友喜欢这篇文章:shiningdracon, 黑龙奥维, 龍爪翻書, 神龙柴, 暗夜Д晨霜
有 1 位朋友喜欢这篇文章:龙游踏尘
The warmth that is my caring, loving nature has always had a soft spot for you. I'll always be there to keep you company, to be not just a friend, but something more and special we both feel for each other.
When the world has you down, you may fall. But know that I'll be there to catch you, in that safe, soft, warm sanctuary in my winged embrace.
我點開Dragon Empress的連結後,越聽越覺得這首歌好像Jeder Tag ein kleiner Tod
然後一看播放的歌曲,果然是Jeder Tag ein kleiner Tod,Dragon Empress因為版權無法在我的地區撥放,所以網易雲撥放我之前的歌曲
Dragon Empress https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6gtAZIZQCuw
Dance With Dragons https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eV1xumzX8dE
Tales of Dragonia https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=x1j9sOGWMg0
DragonLand https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=utiG8IzsBxg
Cry of the Dragons https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dFFUFQhLXXU
有 1 位朋友喜欢这篇文章:神龙柴
Quit, dont quit... Noodles, dont noodles...
There is a saying: yesterday is history, tomorrow is a mystery, but today is a gift. That is why it is called the present.
直接收藏作者了 好多曲子都很棒 畫畫聽也一定很愜意
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