Yam-nahar / Yam / "Sir Sea" / "Sir Stream" / Yaw / Yamu / "Prince Sea" / "Judge River" / Tannin / Primeval Serpent / Lotan / Crooked Serpent / Sea Monster / close-coiling One / Tyrant of Seven Heads
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Region: Canaanite
Time Period: 14th Century BC
References in Literature: Poem of Baal
Sources: "Thespis Ritual, Myth and Drama in the Ancient Near East", Illiana, AH, Deity Temple
* River god that lives under the sea in a grand palace.
* May have been served by dragons, serpents, and Leviathan
* Feuds with and is destroyed by Baal
* Is sometimes associated with Lotan
* May have had a dragon follower
* , others say he's the actual son of El
* Embodies wild weather - floods, oceans, winter
* 7 headed sea serpent or dragon
* not necessarily evil, just very powerful
Cannanite texts, found between 1930 and 1933 include the Poem of Baal which describes the battle between the god and Yam.
時間: 14世紀公元前
來源: “德斯比斯儀式,古代東方神話和戲劇中”
最后修改: 银月龙 (2009-02-07 08:04:44)
Yamm, from the Canaanite word , (Hebrew ????) meaning "Sea", is one name of the Ugaritic god of Rivers and Sea. Also titled Judge Nahar ("Judge River"), he is also one of the 'ilhm (Elohim) or sons of El, the name given to the Levantine pantheon. Others dispute the existence of the alternative names, claiming it is a mistranslation of a damaged tablet. Despite linguistic overlap, theologically this god is not a part of the later subregional monotheistic theology, but rather is part of a broader and archaic Levantine polytheism.
Yamm is the deity of the primordial chaos and represents the power of the sea untamed and raging; he is seen as ruling tempests and the disasters they wreak. The gods cast out Yam from the heavenly mountain Sappan (modern Jebel Aqra; "Sappan" is cognate to Tsephon (Tsion)). The seven-headed dragon Lotan is associated closely with him and the serpent is frequently used to describe him.
Of all the gods, despite being the champion of El, Yam holds special hostility against Baal Hadad, son of Dagon. Yam is a deity of the sea and his palace is in the abyss associated with the depths, or Biblical tehwom, of the oceans. (This is not to be confused with the abode of Mot, the ruler of the netherworlds.) In Ugaritic texts, Yam's special enemy Hadad is also known as the "king of heaven" and the "first born son" of El, whom ancient Greeks identified with their god Kronos, just as Baal was identified with Zeus, Yam with Poseidon and Mot with Hades. Yam wished to become the Lord god in his place. In turns the two beings kill each other, yet Hadad is resurrected and Yam also returns. Some authors have suggested that these tales reflect the experience of seasonal cycles in the Levant.
Yamm ,在迦南的文字中寫作Yam(希伯來文?)意思是“海” ,是一位烏嘎利特人的河流和海洋之神的名字。被授予Judge-Nahar(“Judge河”)這個稱號的同時,他還是' ilhm (埃洛希姆)之一,而且還是埃爾的兒子,在地中海沿岸居民的傳說當中也是這個名字。而其他存在爭議的名稱,都被認為是根據一些已經損壞掉的石碑而得來的錯譯。這不僅僅是語言上的一種巧合,在神學上的神這個含義,不是相臨近的地區所形成的一神教體系,而是一個更廣義,更古老的多神體系。(銀月:最後一句有疑問)
Yam是原始混亂之神,他擁有可以駕馭桀驁不馴的海的力量;他被視為是帶來暴風雨和災害的象徵。Yam被埃爾從天堂山Sappan攆下去(今Aqra山,Sappan和Tsephon ( Tsion )是同源 )。七頭龍Lotan的形象與它相近,通常用Lotan來描述Yam。
在所有的神當中,盡管他是埃爾的擁護者,Yam卻特別仇視達貢的兒子巴爾(Baal Hadad)。Yam是海之神,他的宮殿是在海中的一個極深的深淵中,象徵著地獄(銀月:求解),或者說是聖經中的tehwom(銀月:求解)。(不過不要將它和陰間的統治者——Mot的居所混淆。)在烏嘎利特的傳說中,Yam的死對頭巴爾也稱為“衆神之神”和埃爾的“第一個出生的兒子” ,古希臘人的傳說中,埃爾等同於克羅諾斯,正如巴爾的地位等同於希臘神話中的宙斯,Yam的地位等同於波塞冬,Mot的地位等同於哈迪斯那樣。Yam希望成為掌管這片土地的神。這兩個神輪流攻擊對方,你來我往不亦樂乎。有些學者認為,這些故事反映了地中海東部周期性的季節變化。
最后修改: 银月龙 (2009-02-07 15:22:21)
El (希伯來語: אל; 希臘語: Ελ) al, iah, yah 或者 Eli, 是一個西部閃米特人的詞彙,表示‘力量’。
<-- 目前頭像 by 理業化肥
Yamm, from the Canaanite word , (Hebrew ????) meaning "Sea", is one name of the Ugaritic god of Rivers and Sea. Also titled Judge Nahar ("Judge River"), he is also one of the 'ilhm (Elohim) or sons of El, the name given to the Levantine pantheon. Others dispute the existence of the alternative names, claiming it is a mistranslation of a damaged tablet. Despite linguistic overlap, theologically this god is not a part of the later subregional monotheistic theology, but rather is part of a broader and archaic Levantine polytheism.
Yamm ,在迦南的文字中寫作Yam(希伯來文?)意思是“海” ,是一位烏嘎利特人的河流和海洋之神的名字。被授予Judge-Nahar(“Judge河”)這個稱號的同時,他還是' ilhm (埃洛希姆)之一,而且還是埃爾的兒子,在地中海沿岸居民的傳說當中也是這個名字。而其他存在爭議的名稱,都被認為是根據一些已經損壞掉的石碑而得來的錯譯。這不僅僅是語言上的一種巧合,在神學上的神這個含義,不是相臨近的地區所形成的一神教體系,而是一個更廣義,更古老的多神體系。(銀月:最後一句有疑問)
我覺得"the name given to the Levantine pantheon"的意思是“地中海東部的衆神的代稱為Elohim”(pantheon這個詞我感覺應該取這個意思:the gods of a particular mythology considered collectively.)當然,Elohim都是El的子孫,El創造了Elohim。
我不理解那個“alternative names”指代的是什麼,是在說還有其他名字呢,還是說Yamm、Judge Nahar、Elohim這幾個名字呢?“Others dispute the existence of the alternative names”是不是說其他學者對這多個名字的存在有爭議,認為是源自對破損石碑的錯誤翻譯?
<-- 目前頭像 by 理業化肥
Yamm ,在迦南的文字中寫作Yam(希伯來文?)意思是“海” ,是一位烏嘎利特人的河流和海洋之神的名字。被授予Judge-Nahar(“Judge河”)這個稱號的同時,他還是埃洛希姆之一,或者說,是埃爾的兒子之一。埃洛希姆指地中海東部的衆神的代稱。而其他存在爭議的名稱,都被認為是根據一些已經損壞掉的石碑而得來的錯譯。暫且不管語言學上的重疊,從神學上看,這位神不屬於地中海東部周邊地區之後所形成的一神論體系,而屬於一個比一神論體系更加廣泛的、年代更加悠久的多神論體系。
對於alternative names,維基百科裡有一段,說還有其他的名字Ya'a和 Yaw(來自希伯來聖經)還有Yah和Yahu(雅虎?來自猶太人的語言)。這幾個名字頗有爭議,alternative names指的就是那些名字吧
According to some, Yam was also called Ya'a or Yaw. Damaged text in KTU 1.2 iv has been interpreted by Mark S. Smith as describing a renaming of Yam from an original name Yaw.[2] The resemblance of the latter to the Tetragrammaton YHWH led to speculation over a possible connection between Yam and God of the Hebrew Bible. However, even if the reading is correct many scholars argue the names have different roots and reject the idea that they are related.[citation needed] Another suggested reading of the name is Ya'a and it has also been suggested as an early form of the divine name Yah, Yahu. Earlier archaeologists like Theophilus G. Pinches[3] quoted the research of Hommel, Professor of Semitic languages at Munich, who suggested "that this god Ya is another form of the name Ea...". By this theory Ya'a thus appears to have been a God of the waters, both salt (Yam) and fresh (Nahar), in some ways similar to the Mesopotamian God Ea.[4] This view has been supported in more recent times by archaeologists like Jean Bottero[5] and others,[6] although this is disputed by other scholars
最后修改: 银月龙 (2009-02-07 15:09:21)
字面意思是“深”或“深淵” 。