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#1 2020-04-20 21:46:59  |  显示全部楼层

来自 重庆
Registered: 2019-11-09
Posts: 25


我想知道從06到現在,這裏面到底發生了什麼? [警惕] 

The warmth that is my caring, loving nature has always had a soft spot for you. I'll always be there to keep you company, to be not just a friend, but something more and special we both feel for each other.
When the world has you down, you may fall. But know that I'll be there to catch you, in that safe, soft, warm sanctuary in my winged embrace.


#2 2020-04-20 21:51:00  |  显示全部楼层

来自 重庆
Registered: 2019-11-09
Posts: 25

回应: 幻想生物圈裏到底發生了什麼?

抱歉,當我看完某龍給我發過來的整篇文檔後,直接驚呆了,隨後怒火上涌,現在還是沒有平復下來。 [警惕]

The warmth that is my caring, loving nature has always had a soft spot for you. I'll always be there to keep you company, to be not just a friend, but something more and special we both feel for each other.
When the world has you down, you may fall. But know that I'll be there to catch you, in that safe, soft, warm sanctuary in my winged embrace.


#3 2020-04-21 08:11:02  |  显示全部楼层

来自 重庆
Registered: 2019-11-09
Posts: 25

回应: 幻想生物圈裏到底發生了什麼?

[↑] @地球遺龍 寫道: 好像在哪裏聽說過龍獸城,但是也僅限於聽過,發生過什麼嗎?又和現在有什麼聯繫嗎 [疑惑]  爲什麼感覺提起來都是怒氣衝衝的…  以及……旁邊一個文檔是火翼飛龍嗎? …

嗯嗯,我在親自翻譯火翼飛龍。即使網上有,但機翻再改得能看就行實在不和我胃口。回想過來,一個半月一章已經到達快要極限了嗷,吃飯都在電腦前思考如何處理某句最合適。    [害羞] 
馬上就要高三了,接下來怕的就是就不能繼續翻譯了 [嗝屁]

有 3 位朋友喜欢这篇文章:地球遗龙, 龙游踏尘, 龍爪翻書

The warmth that is my caring, loving nature has always had a soft spot for you. I'll always be there to keep you company, to be not just a friend, but something more and special we both feel for each other.
When the world has you down, you may fall. But know that I'll be there to catch you, in that safe, soft, warm sanctuary in my winged embrace.


#4 2020-04-21 08:15:53  |  显示全部楼层

来自 重庆
Registered: 2019-11-09
Posts: 25

回应: 幻想生物圈裏到底發生了什麼?

[↑] @天意618A03 寫道: 如果不是很大巧合重名的話,發給你這些記錄的應該是薄薄。 我自己中間有過很長時間的斷層,我只記得2016年以後的事情。 …

嘿嘿,不是哦。是一頭金龍, 名叫金眼鏡  。 [微笑]

有 1 位朋友喜欢这篇文章:金眼镜

The warmth that is my caring, loving nature has always had a soft spot for you. I'll always be there to keep you company, to be not just a friend, but something more and special we both feel for each other.
When the world has you down, you may fall. But know that I'll be there to catch you, in that safe, soft, warm sanctuary in my winged embrace.


#5 2020-04-21 09:47:54  |  显示全部楼层

来自 重庆
Registered: 2019-11-09
Posts: 25

回应: 幻想生物圈裏到底發生了什麼?

[↑] @Nemiriz 寫道:   咦 看了下確實好奇,如果是那爲啥不用大號 …

你們在聊誰啊~(好奇  [賣萌] )

The warmth that is my caring, loving nature has always had a soft spot for you. I'll always be there to keep you company, to be not just a friend, but something more and special we both feel for each other.
When the world has you down, you may fall. But know that I'll be there to catch you, in that safe, soft, warm sanctuary in my winged embrace.


#6 2020-04-21 10:48:12  |  显示全部楼层

来自 重庆
Registered: 2019-11-09
Posts: 25

回应: 幻想生物圈裏到底發生了什麼?

@地球遺龍 寫道: 好有恆心的感覺……  僅僅是給自己看嗎?或者還有讀者在等待呢

我在火翼飛龍吧有發帖哦,可以過來支持一下。不過不要驚訝,小號有點多。 [傻笑] 

@地球遺龍 寫道: 好像昨天在一個羣裏看到了和你一模一樣的簽名,所以在好奇是不是你

至於這個簽名嘛,是一頭名叫金眼鏡(今天被我拉進鱗目的  [大笑])的龍發給我的

The warmth that is my caring, loving nature has always had a soft spot for you. I'll always be there to keep you company, to be not just a friend, but something more and special we both feel for each other.
When the world has you down, you may fall. But know that I'll be there to catch you, in that safe, soft, warm sanctuary in my winged embrace.


#7 2020-04-21 11:50:41  |  显示全部楼层

来自 重庆
Registered: 2019-11-09
Posts: 25

回应: 幻想生物圈裏到底發生了什麼?

@狼王白牙 寫道: 據我所知,你們說的LL,成功發展的領域只有騰訊上的興趣社區,一些小型QQ羣。其它都做了白工。

其實如果想看一下的話,可以私發的。特別是看到裏面描述洗腦的時候,我真是震驚了:一頭龍居然認爲自己是屬於獸人一類。 [憤怒] 

The warmth that is my caring, loving nature has always had a soft spot for you. I'll always be there to keep you company, to be not just a friend, but something more and special we both feel for each other.
When the world has you down, you may fall. But know that I'll be there to catch you, in that safe, soft, warm sanctuary in my winged embrace.


#8 2020-04-21 15:45:52  |  显示全部楼层

来自 重庆
Registered: 2019-11-09
Posts: 25

回应: 幻想生物圈裏到底發生了什麼?

[↑] @火柴龍 寫道: 想不通~這樣做最後可以得到什麼? …


The warmth that is my caring, loving nature has always had a soft spot for you. I'll always be there to keep you company, to be not just a friend, but something more and special we both feel for each other.
When the world has you down, you may fall. But know that I'll be there to catch you, in that safe, soft, warm sanctuary in my winged embrace.


#9 2020-04-22 09:06:46  |  显示全部楼层

来自 重庆
Registered: 2019-11-09
Posts: 25

回应: 幻想生物圈裏到底發生了什麼?

@火柴龍 寫道: 社羣除非發展成邪教(改善人們的生活信仰的程度)不然流量根本不可能構成經濟利益的條件...

好像在說有控制獸設和獸裝交易,給他們打廣告抽油水之類的 [靈感] 
現在的話,應該進軍B站等新型平臺了。這樣看,是可以賺錢的(吧..?  [暈]

The warmth that is my caring, loving nature has always had a soft spot for you. I'll always be there to keep you company, to be not just a friend, but something more and special we both feel for each other.
When the world has you down, you may fall. But know that I'll be there to catch you, in that safe, soft, warm sanctuary in my winged embrace.


#10 2020-04-22 11:26:47  |  显示全部楼层

来自 重庆
Registered: 2019-11-09
Posts: 25

回应: 幻想生物圈裏到底發生了什麼?

[↑] @天意618A03 寫道:   人可能不一定還是這個人,但事確實是一直在發生的事。 我猜近半年的事情你可能都不知道。←_← …

畢竟是作爲一頭常年遊離在龍圈之外的龍,說起最近的事的話,我也不是很清楚 [傻笑]

The warmth that is my caring, loving nature has always had a soft spot for you. I'll always be there to keep you company, to be not just a friend, but something more and special we both feel for each other.
When the world has you down, you may fall. But know that I'll be there to catch you, in that safe, soft, warm sanctuary in my winged embrace.


#11 2020-04-22 12:06:07  |  显示全部楼层

来自 重庆
Registered: 2019-11-09
Posts: 25

回应: 幻想生物圈裏到底發生了什麼?

[↑] @天意618A03 寫道:   沒,不是說你,我是指SmallDragon。 …

哦哦,我是在說SmallDragon不知道,而我也不知道。應該是沒表述清楚 [被炸]

The warmth that is my caring, loving nature has always had a soft spot for you. I'll always be there to keep you company, to be not just a friend, but something more and special we both feel for each other.
When the world has you down, you may fall. But know that I'll be there to catch you, in that safe, soft, warm sanctuary in my winged embrace.


#12 2020-04-22 18:09:28  |  显示全部楼层

来自 重庆
Registered: 2019-11-09
Posts: 25

回应: 幻想生物圈裏到底發生了什麼?

@上古神龍 寫道: 龍王傳說吧居然也被他禍害過。。。。龍王傳說吧就是個動漫吧,他也要搞啊

@shiningdracon 寫道: 瑪瑙龍吧是個遊戲貼吧也被搞過啊

似乎有龍向的貼吧大部分都被搞過的啊 [被炸]

The warmth that is my caring, loving nature has always had a soft spot for you. I'll always be there to keep you company, to be not just a friend, but something more and special we both feel for each other.
When the world has you down, you may fall. But know that I'll be there to catch you, in that safe, soft, warm sanctuary in my winged embrace.


#13 2020-04-23 08:23:38  |  显示全部楼层

来自 重庆
Registered: 2019-11-09
Posts: 25

回应: 幻想生物圈裏到底發生了什麼?

[↑] @龍爪翻書 寫道: 一樓的權限可能沒有刪帖,需要請影子幫忙了 …


The warmth that is my caring, loving nature has always had a soft spot for you. I'll always be there to keep you company, to be not just a friend, but something more and special we both feel for each other.
When the world has you down, you may fall. But know that I'll be there to catch you, in that safe, soft, warm sanctuary in my winged embrace.


#14 2020-04-23 09:50:09  |  显示全部楼层

来自 重庆
Registered: 2019-11-09
Posts: 25

回应: 幻想生物圈裏到底發生了什麼?

[↑] @Nemiriz 寫道: 緊張什麼呢,搞特務啊 …


The warmth that is my caring, loving nature has always had a soft spot for you. I'll always be there to keep you company, to be not just a friend, but something more and special we both feel for each other.
When the world has you down, you may fall. But know that I'll be there to catch you, in that safe, soft, warm sanctuary in my winged embrace.

