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題外話:今天我突然心血來潮去網頁上搜了一下the wings of fire, 然後就翻到了Gretchen Ratke 這位音樂家。因爲不知道有沒有別龍發過了,如果有的話,那也就厚着臉皮再發一遍了。
關於Gretch Ratke 這位音樂家,因爲他的作品都是關於the wings of fire 的,所以就不用過多介紹了。我也嘗試着在網上搜過他的相關信息,但是隻搜到了這個。如下圖:
題外話:我是用QQ音樂搜的。不推薦網易雲音樂,因爲如果用網易雲的話,很多作品都直接沒有,比QQ音樂沒版權還可怕,可能會影響各位龍龍的感受。當然,我也沒試過其它酷狗、Spotify之類的,所以如果可以搜到的話,麻煩在評論裏告知一下了 。
The warmth that is my caring, loving nature has always had a soft spot for you. I'll always be there to keep you company, to be not just a friend, but something more and special we both feel for each other.
When the world has you down, you may fall. But know that I'll be there to catch you, in that safe, soft, warm sanctuary in my winged embrace.
The warmth that is my caring, loving nature has always had a soft spot for you. I'll always be there to keep you company, to be not just a friend, but something more and special we both feel for each other.
When the world has you down, you may fall. But know that I'll be there to catch you, in that safe, soft, warm sanctuary in my winged embrace.
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