
Dracopedia Field Guide (地球龙族图鉴)



作者: [美]威廉·奥康纳(William O'Connor)
出版社: 北京科学技术出版社
译者: 孙亚南
出版年: 2022-8-8
页数: 160
定价: 168
装帧: 精装
ISBN: 9787571422752


数千年以来,在诸多文明中,龙都存在于人们的想象之中。它们横穿广阔的大陆,飞跃无垠的海洋,出没在最的征程之中,盘踞在最古老的图腾之上,直到现在……或许真的存在这么一个世界,人类与龙族共存。 它们长眠于宫殿瓦当上与檐顶垂脊中,在晚春近夏时点灵现身,昂首蜿蜒天地间,带来甘霖驱散久旱,龙佑岁丰。它们出没于神秘古堡中与黑暗深渊里,在领土遭受侵袭时直插云霄,带火移星陆,升云出鼎湖,带来和平驱散邪恶,龙佑土安。 这是一本汇集东西方奇幻龙族生物的图鉴,收录了13大类别,93个品种的龙族生物。近300幅栩栩如生的图片,极具神话色彩和恢弘之美,令最为震撼的梦境成为现实。





Identify dragons in the wild with the Dracopedia Field Guide!

Have you ever stumbled upon a dragon egg and thought to yourself, “I wonder which type of scaly beast will burst forth from this delicate and dappled shell?” Well, wonder no more. This fantasy field guide is required reading–and required packing–for both budding and expert dragon enthusiasts. Don’t leave home without it.

This comprehensive and elucidating manual identifies the dragons of the world from Amphipteridae through Wyvernae. Each genus of dragon is meticulously chronicled–from winged Coatyls and Sea Orcs to itty, bitty Feydragons to fire-breathing Great Dragons–then broken down into additional subsets to help you discover what sets these magnificent creatures apart. Uncover the biology, history, behavior and habitat of each stunning and primeval beast through written and illustrated descriptions.

Each dragon specimen entry includes the following important information for fast and easy identification:

 • Size
 • Weight
 • Visual descriptors, including color, distinguishing marks, wings, horns, beaks, etc.
 • Habitat
 • Diet
 • Conservation status
 • Common names

Dracopedia: The gold standard for dragon enthusiasts everywhere!
