====== 神龍部落2:龍書 ====== 雖然提供不同種的龍種。但官方的設定相當不齊全,需要各龍協助設定。 ===== 火屬性龍 ===== **Fire Draon│火龍** Fire Dragon, a descendent of the legendary Fire Dragon, is hostile ans combative. The dragon shoots fire as a sign of happiness.│ 火龍便是傳說中聞名遐邇上古火龍的後裔,凶惡且好戰。 開心時會噴火來顯示出他的心情。 **圖片解說**((由左上到右上: 分別為蛋、幼龍、青年、成年。 由左下到右下: 對應時期輕點龍的反應(大部分是賣萌) 如果覺得不夠大,請在新分頁/頁面 開啟影像)) {{http://i.imgur.com/tu5BPXW.jpg}} **Lighting Dragon│雷龍** One of four divine Draongs that captured and sealed Dark Nix. The dragon controls lighting ans is well known for its righteous charcter.│ 雷龍是封印達尼斯的四聖龍之一; 他掌控天雷. 並且以其正義的代表角色所聞名。 {{http://i.imgur.com/9FewTVG.jpg}} **Lava Dragon│熔岩龍** Lava Dragon is born and raised inside the lava. The dragon can withstand extreme heat and move freely in hot volcanos.│ 熔岩龍從熾熱的熔岩之中誕生,並且能夠忍受極高的溫度以及在火山悠遊自在。 {{http://i.imgur.com/4nrdLrr.jpg}} **鳳凰龍│Phoenix** Phoenix, a symbol of immortality in the East, is coverd in flame. Legend says that the dragon's feathers are the source of immortality.│ 身披烈焰的鳳凰在東方是不朽的象徵。傳說中祂的羽毛是永恆生命的泉源。 {{http://i.imgur.com/BNfyABU.jpg}} **Hell Dragon│地獄龍** Hell Dragon is known for its aggressive and destruceive personality, building a reputation as the "evil dragon from hell".│ 地獄龍以其好鬥、毀滅者般的個性聞名。因此也有"從地獄深淵崛起的惡龍"之名。 {{http://i.imgur.com/peutLUT.jpg}} **Spike Dragon│針刺龍** This dragon is covered in sharp spikes. As its skin is hard as a metal, it's defense is almost impenetrable.│ {{http://i.imgur.com/E3aTVAZ.jpg}} 這種龍有著鋼鐵般的皮膚,而且佈滿尖刺;這也使他的防禦固若金湯。 **Insect Dragon│蜂龍** A dragon thar feeds on honey from flowers. The dragon confuses its opponents using its wings and paralyze them with its stinger.│ 蜂龍以花蜜為食,遇到威賢時會先以高速震動的翅膀迷惑對手,之後再以螫刺加以麻痺。 {{http://i.imgur.com/LcAnlh0.jpg}} **Sand Dragon│沙龍** The Sand Dragon comes from a desert where the sand id hotter than fire, People can get burnt for touching the dragon as it has a tendancy to store heat inside its body.│ 沙龍從熱過於火的沙漠中誕生。祂有把大量熱能儲存在體內的習性,也因此碰觸他的人可能會燒焦。 (成龍的"賣萌姿勢" 比較有梗 所以分為4階段) {{http://i.imgur.com/jJXsp5l.jpg}} **Goldencrow Dragon│金鴉龍** Goldencrow Dragon has three eye with mysterious to kill evil beings.│ 金鴉龍的特色之一就是:擁有殲滅邪惡生物、未知神祕力量的第三隻眼。 {{http://i.imgur.com/htaQ58T.jpg}} **Bone Head Dragon│骨頭龍** A dragon born from the souls of fire type dragons. Unlike its scary origin, the dragon is very friendly.│ 骨頭龍由火系龍的靈魂中所誕生,不同於他驚悚的外表,他可是相當友善的。 {{http://i.imgur.com/mqwnWjo.jpg}} **Red Wyvern│(紅)翼龍/雙足飛龍** A small dragon with large wings. The dragon is aggressive but loyal to its friends.│ 一種體型較小但是翅膀很大的龍,雖然他極具攻擊性,但對朋友很忠誠。 {{http://i.imgur.com/pLAJK0P.jpg}} **Volcano│火山龍** A Different from of Lava Dragon. The dragon controls fire and uses its strong muscles ans tail to fight.│ 與熔岩龍不同的是,火山龍能夠掌控火焰,同時使用強健的四肢及尾巴戰鬥。 {{http://i.imgur.com/y3YMYJv.jpg}} **Iron Dragon|鋼鐵龍** A mythical dragon with red skin and dark exterior. The dragon was called the genesis of fire and incarnation of fire.| 一個神話中有紅色皮膚以及深色外觀的龍。在神話中是火焰的化身。 {{http://i.imgur.com/6fufNqZ.jpg}} **Jaryong** A strong dragon that embodies a soul of undefeated warrior. The dragon is an object of envy among the dragon tamers due to its strength and bravery.| 此強大的龍體現了不倒的勇者之魂。也因他的力量與勇氣,成為訓龍師艷羨的對象。 {{http://i.imgur.com/MDqryyN.jpg}} **Battle Dragon|戰龍** A mysterious dragon from another world. Battle Dragon distrusts everyone. 從另一個世界而來的未知龍種,他不信任任何人。 {{http://i.imgur.com/QYRs3ob.jpg}}