======Dragon of Wales====== {{:books:5487447658.png?200|}} {{:books:8944874.png?200|}} ^ Dragon of Wales| ^ 作者 | Andy Frazer | ^ Volume 1: South Wales| ^ 出版日期 | 2017 | ^ Volume 2 North Wales| ^ 出版日期 | 2019 | =====本书简介===== To live in Wales is to live surrounded by stories of Dragons. They are woven into our history and our folklore: impossible creatures from a long-forgotten past, creatures that lived in a land of legends and bed-time stories... or maybe not. What if maybe - just maybe - Dragons are real? ---- 一个介绍小小龙的画册,作者计划出版四卷,分别是North Wales ,South Wales ,West Wales ,Mid Wales。 =====相关链接===== [[https://www.dragonsofwales.com|项目网站]] [[https://www.kickstarter.com/projects/dragonsofwales/dragons-of-wales?ref=profile_created|众筹链接]] [[https://www.etsy.com/listing/588755757/dragons-of-wales-volume-one-south-wales?click_key=8740c198321b223904320108062e27e652f7db50%3A588755757&click_sum=d3de50d1&ref=shop_home_active_15&crt=1&sts=1|书籍购买链接]] (感谢vesmar的分享)~