===== Dragon World ===== (现已出中文版:《神龙大百科》) {{ :books:th_dj9exlxtjr1gal0elvecyvtiebr7qvdp.jpg?400|}} ^语言|英语| ^作者|Tamara Macfarlane| ^出版社|DK Publishing| ^出版日期|2021年3月16日| ^ISBN|0744027659| ^格式|PDF| ^页数|82| ====简介(未翻译)==== Immerse yourself in the rich, fascinating history of dragons in this illustrated gift ebook. Meet the fire-breathing beasts of mythology in this beautifully illustrated ebook brimming with scaled behemoths. Lurking in every corner of the earth, from the deepest depths of the oceans, to the tips of the tallest mountains, even tucked beneath the very ground that you tread on, dragons watch and wait. They take many forms—sea monsters, serpents, wild cats, eagles, and they represent many different things; Gods to be revered, evil kings to be feared, wise friends, and fierce foes. So, when you accidentally step on a sinewy vine and it whips out from under your feet, or invisible forces gently fan warm air across your face, or the acrid smell of cinders pokes at the back of your throat, how will you know whether to stand and wonder, or run and hide? Dragons have breathed fire into our minds since we could first imagine, but why do they exist in stories from every land in the world? Come in and explore Dragon World. Look into their lairs while they make shape-shifting mischief, playing with the weather and protecting earthly treasures. Soar across continents into tales as old as time. Prowl through the pages to discover rare dragon species. Find clues to track them and master how to draw them. Behold the earthly dragons of today! 下载:[[https://pan.baidu.com/s/1pWTtGmhPaQqgGDdQ9kzkuQ|百度网盘 提取码:updm]] {{:books:veg9_t4g_6_qc_sy4_9kg.jpg?400|}} ^语言|中文| ^作者|塔玛拉·麦克法兰| ^译者|吴正能| ^出版社|国家开放大学出版社| ^出版日期|2022年4月| ^ISBN|9787304109653| ====中文版简介==== 这是一本为孩子讲述世界各地神龙的图画科普书,由英国DK公司授权出版。在内容上,本书主要分为四大部分:亚洲的龙、欧洲的龙、世界其他地区的龙和龙族揭秘。本书形式新颖,配图相当丰富,系统且图文并茂地介绍世界各地神龙的栖息地、生活习性和神话。中国龙和西方龙的传说以及二者的区别,或许读者能略知一二,但像本书这样几乎涵盖了全世界所有神龙传说的科普读物实属少见,一次性将几十种龙展现在读者眼前,一些神龙还有经过现代化改编的故事,配合精美的配图,更能让读者了解到这些古老的龙之传说。孩子们在本书中会见识到龙的力量,领略龙的魅力,与他们一起翱翔于天际,探索属于龙的不可思议的神秘世界。