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playground:playground [2015/02/14 13:37] ken1882playground:playground [2017/02/05 22:46] andy20714
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-**Dragonlings│幼龍**\\ +====== 编辑练习 ======
-{{http://img2.wikia.nocookie.net/__cb20120410180446/dragonage/images/d/d3/Dragonling_%28Origins%29.png?250}}\\ +
-Newly-hatched dragons are roughly the size of a deer and voraciously hungry. They live for a short time in their mother's lair before venturing out on their own. The slender, wingless creatures are born in vast numbers, as only a few ever make it to adulthood.│\\ +
-**Drake│亞龍**  +随意修改尝试
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-{{http://img2.wikia.nocookie.net/__cb20100205141629/dragonage/images/thumb/d/d2/Creature-Drake.jpg/270px-Creature-Drake.jpg?250}}\\ +
-Drakes +
-Male dragons never develop into the winged monsters of myth. At most, their forelegs grow vestigial spurs where wing membrane might have been. +
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-Once they have fully matured, males immediately seek out the lairs of adult females. When they find one, they move into her lair and spend the rest of their lives there, hunting for her and defending her young. They will aggressively defend her nest, and many would-be dragon hunters have been lost to their fiery breath and crushing blows from their tails.│\\ +
-雄性的龍不會發育為傳說中的有翼怪獸。他們的前肢頂多長出退化的骨刺,而非應有的翼膜。 +
-當雄龍完全成熟後,會立刻去尋找成年母龍巢穴。找到之後,他們便會移居到其巢穴中,並在那兒度過餘生,為雌龍獵取食物以及保護雛龍。 +
-當他們保護巢穴時,他們極具攻擊性,許多年輕的獵龍手便命喪於他們熾熱的吐息以及猛甩的巨尾之下。 +
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-Drakes are intelligent, almost sly, yet ferocious beasts.  They have no need for powerful wings because once they bond with a female, they rarely travel far from her lair. +
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-Drakes fight with sharp claws and crushing bites. They can spit gouts of flame and strike pulverizing blows with their tails. Drake Scales form a tough natural armor and their hides are prized for making suits of highly effective armor. +
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-A high dragon will have a dozen or more drakes guarding her young, constantly fighting among themselves for the right to mate. They will aggressively defend her nest. Drakes can live for a century, but usually die much earlier while defending the lair.│ +
-亞龍是聰明狡黠,但兇猛的野獸。另外,一但她們和雌龍交配後,便很少遠離她們的巢穴,至此也所以不需要強而有力的翅膀。 +
-亞龍用利爪和破碎性的撕咬來戰鬥。他們也可以吐出致命的火焰和令人粉身碎骨的尾巴甩擊。對人類來說,亞龍鱗形成的天然裝甲和亞龍皮是拿來製作上等盔甲的好材料。\\ +
-一隻高龍可能有十幾個或更多的亞龍來守護她的幼雛,亞龍彼此不斷爭奪以獲得和高龍交配的權利,但他們也積極捍衛著巢穴。\\ +
-亞龍可以活過一個世紀,但是通常早逝於巢穴保衛戰之中。 +
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-**Dragon│飛龍**\\ +
-{{http://img3.wikia.nocookie.net/__cb20100518055658/dragonage/images/thumb/3/38/Creature-HighDragon.jpg/270px-Creature-HighDragon.jpg?250}}\\ +
-Female dragons take much longer to mature than their male counterparts. They too undergo a metamorphosis of sorts at adulthood; But while males lose the use of their forepaws, females actually grow a third set of limbs specifically to serve as wings. +
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-Young females travel great distances looking for a suitable nesting site. Because of their nomadic habits, these are the dragons most frequently encountered by man.│\\ +
-雌龍的生長期比雄龍來的長很多,在成長時也同樣會經歷蛻變,但和雄龍退化的前肢不同,雌龍會長出第三對肢體——翼翅。\\ +
-年輕的雌龍會到處旅行以尋找合適的築巢地點。因為他們浪跡天涯的個性,這些雌龍也是人類最常遇見的。 +
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-Dragons prefer to live in old ruins and cave complexes. Through the Steel Age(A period in DA,as Middle Age etc.)\\ +
-, humans often destroyed such locations to discourage dragons from nesting close to settlements. \\ +
-Such precautions fell out of practice after dragon hunters from Nevarra hunted them to near-extinction. Most people thought that dragons had been extinct for centuries, but a notable rampage by a high dragon during the end of the Blessed Age caused Divine Faustine II to name the next Age as the Dragon Age. +
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-Not all humans are hostile to dragons. The "dragon cults" of legend were notorious for their fanatic devotion to their particular high dragon. Although much remains unknown, evidence suggests that high dragons may allow such devoted humans to assist in the care of dragonlings in exchange for dragon blood.│\\ +
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-雌龍喜歡住在附近有洞穴的老廢墟中。通過鋼鐵時代(闇龍紀元中的一個時代,就像"中世紀時期"...等),人類常破壞類似這地貌的區域來防止龍在人類的居住區附近築巢。\\ +
-這樣的預防措施長期施行,再加上涅瓦拉獵龍運動的興起,龍幾乎瀕臨滅絕。大多數人以為龍就這樣絕跡了幾百年。在祝福紀的末期,高龍突然重新出現,因此,教皇福斯蒂納二世命名下一個世紀為"龍紀"。\\ +
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-不是所有的人都敵視龍。 使“拜龍教”聲名狼藉的一個傳說便是他們狂熱地獻身於他們所崇拜的特定一隻高龍。\\ +
-雖然仍有許多的未知的謎團,但有一個證據便是高龍允許拜龍教信徒來幫忙照顧他的雛龍,也允許信徒取她的龍血作為交換。 +
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-**High Dragon│高龍**\\ +
-{{http://img3.wikia.nocookie.net/__cb20100113122141/dragonage/images/thumb/8/80/Concept-HighDragon.jpg/270px-Concept-HighDragon.jpg?250}}\\ +
-A fully mature adult female dragon is the high dragon: the great monster of legend, the rarest of all dragonkind. These dragons hollow out massive lairs for themselves, for they need the space to house their harem of drakes as well as their eggs and the dragonlings. +
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-High dragons are seldom seen. They spend most of their time sleeping and mating, living off the prey their drakes bring back. But once every hundred years or so, the high dragon prepares for clutching by emerging from her lair and taking wing. She will fly far and wide, eating hundreds of animals, most often livestock, over a course of a few weeks and leaving smoldering devastation in her wake. She then returns to her lair to lay her eggs and will not appear in the skies again for another century.│\\ +
-高龍就是完全成年的雌龍:傳說中的巨大怪物,龍類罕有的一種。它會挖出巨大的巢穴,作為自己所需、容納雄龍的"後宮"以及培育龍蛋與幼龍的居處。\\ +
-高龍極為少見,她靠雄龍所帶回來的獵物便可維生,而將多數時間用於休眠與生育。但每隔約一百年,高龍準備下蛋的時候,她便會鑽出巢穴,四處飛行,吃掉數以百計的動物(大多是家畜)。持續大概數周后,她便離開在她覺醒期所燃燒殆盡的荒野,回到巢穴之中,生下龍蛋,且在一個世紀內不會再現身空中。 +
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-**Other Dragonkinds in DA│其他在闇龍紀元中的龍種**\\ +
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-**Dragon thrall│龍奴**\\ +
-{{http://img2.wikia.nocookie.net/__cb20130921142458/dragonage/images/thumb/9/9a/Dragon_Thrall%27s_Profile.jpg/270px-Dragon_Thrall%27s_Profile.jpg?250}}\\ +
-A dragon thrall is a dragon that has been corrupted by the darkspawn taint, and thus been turned into a ghoul.│\\ +
-龍奴是一條正常的龍,但在被黑靈感染之後,就會變成如食屍鬼一般的生物。\\ +
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-**Great Dragon│聖龍**\\ +
-{{http://img2.wikia.nocookie.net/__cb20141012001747/dragonage/images/thumb/c/c0/Great_dragon_conjured.jpg/250px-Great_dragon_conjured.jpg}}\\ +
-A Great dragon is a powerful ancient dragon. In modern times they have been awakened from their slumber by Yavana, the Antivan Witch of the Wilds. They appear physically similar to High Dragons. Their existence was revealed in Dragon Age: The Silent Grove and their differentiation from High Dragons revealed in Dragon Age Library Edition.│\\ +
playground/playground.txt · 最后更改: 2024/04/02 23:03 由 和平镇长