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books:introducing_the_medieval_dragon [2021/02/18 23:18] zch7878798877books:introducing_the_medieval_dragon [2021/03/27 23:45] zch7878798877
行 3: 行 3:
 ^ 作者| Thomas Honegger | ^ 作者| Thomas Honegger |
 ^ 语言| 英语  | ^ 语言| 英语  |
 +^ 出版社|威尔士大学出版社|
 ^ 出版时间| 2019 | ^ 出版时间| 2019 |
 ^ ISBN| 1786834685 | ^ ISBN| 1786834685 |
行 9: 行 10:
 The aim of this book is to explore the characteristics of the medieval dragon and discuss the sometimes differing views found in the relevant medieval text types. Based on an intimate knowledge of the primary texts, the study presents new interpretations of well-known literary works, and also takes into consideration paintings and other depictions of these beasts. Dragons were designed not only to frighten but also to fire the imagination, and provide a suitably huge and evil creature for the hero to overcome – yet there is far more to them than reptilian adversaries. This book introduces the medieval dragon via brief, accurate and clear chapters on its natural history, religion, literature and folklore, and concludes with how the dragon – from Beowulf to Tolkien, Disney and Potter – is constantly revived. The aim of this book is to explore the characteristics of the medieval dragon and discuss the sometimes differing views found in the relevant medieval text types. Based on an intimate knowledge of the primary texts, the study presents new interpretations of well-known literary works, and also takes into consideration paintings and other depictions of these beasts. Dragons were designed not only to frighten but also to fire the imagination, and provide a suitably huge and evil creature for the hero to overcome – yet there is far more to them than reptilian adversaries. This book introduces the medieval dragon via brief, accurate and clear chapters on its natural history, religion, literature and folklore, and concludes with how the dragon – from Beowulf to Tolkien, Disney and Potter – is constantly revived.
-下载[[https://pan.baidu.com/s/1gw3CUCvjXXyAPilB9XhLZA|百度网盘 提取码:gt08]]+==== 序 ==== 
 +这项研究也归功于许多人的帮助——学者、龙学家们、非专业人士。他们与我讨论了关于龙的问题,阅读了我部分文章的各种草稿版本,提供反馈和意见,或以其他方式为本书的出版做出了贡献。我要感谢(按字母顺序):Martin Arnold,Anke Eissmann(提供插图),Jennifer Fellows,Lynn Forest-Hill,Diane Heath(邀请我为这个新系列投稿),Sarah Lewis(威尔士大学出版社),Sophia Mehlhausen,Paul Michel,Allan Turner,Paul Wackers,以及威尔士大学出版社的匿名同行评审。不必说,任何遗留的错误以及所表达的解释和观点最终都是我自己的。 
 +Thomas Honegger 
 +[[https://pan.baidu.com/s/1gw3CUCvjXXyAPilB9XhLZA|百度网盘 提取码:gt08]]
books/introducing_the_medieval_dragon.txt · 最后更改: 2023/02/03 21:35 由 zch7878798877