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books:dragon_age [2015/02/15 17:20] ken1882books:dragon_age [2015/05/15 08:13] ken1882
行 1: 行 1:
-**前言:**\\ +====== Draconic Codex in Dragon Age ====== 
-**目前還在持續更新!**\\ + 
-**最近更新:**\\ +百科中的圖片來源皆為[[http://dragonage.wikia.com/wiki/Dragon_Age_Wiki|Dragon age wiki]]上以及遊戲內截圖 \\
-增加Ferelden Frostback的圖片\\ +
-增加異端審判的幼龍圖\\ +
  \\  \\
 **Dragonlings│幼龍**\\ **Dragonlings│幼龍**\\
行 77: 行 74:
 **High Dragons in DA(Inquisition):**\\ **High Dragons in DA(Inquisition):**\\
  \\  \\
-<Ferelden Frostback>\\+<Ferelden Frostback|費爾登霜脊龍>\\
 {{http://i.imgur.com/coHDTPP.jpg}}\\ {{http://i.imgur.com/coHDTPP.jpg}}\\
 {{http://i.imgur.com/zNkoB83.jpg}}\\ {{http://i.imgur.com/zNkoB83.jpg}}\\
 + \\
 +<Northern Hunter|北境獵手>\\
  \\  \\
 **Other Dragonkinds in DA│其他在闇龍紀元中的龍種**\\ **Other Dragonkinds in DA│其他在闇龍紀元中的龍種**\\
  \\  \\
行 93: 行 95:
 {{http://img2.wikia.nocookie.net/__cb20141012001747/dragonage/images/thumb/c/c0/Great_dragon_conjured.jpg/250px-Great_dragon_conjured.jpg}}\\ {{http://img2.wikia.nocookie.net/__cb20141012001747/dragonage/images/thumb/c/c0/Great_dragon_conjured.jpg/250px-Great_dragon_conjured.jpg}}\\
 A Great dragon is a powerful ancient dragon. In modern times they have been awakened from their slumber by Yavana, the Antivan Witch of the Wilds. They appear physically similar to High Dragons. Their existence was revealed in Dragon Age: The Silent Grove and their differentiation from High Dragons revealed in Dragon Age Library Edition.│\\ A Great dragon is a powerful ancient dragon. In modern times they have been awakened from their slumber by Yavana, the Antivan Witch of the Wilds. They appear physically similar to High Dragons. Their existence was revealed in Dragon Age: The Silent Grove and their differentiation from High Dragons revealed in Dragon Age Library Edition.│\\
 **Dragon Cults│拜龍教**:\\ **Dragon Cults│拜龍教**:\\
行 109: 行 111:
 我們姑且把龍當作是一種動物,當然,是一種非常狡黠的動物,只是可能缺乏自我意識和感性能力。畢竟史書上從未記載哪條龍曾與人類交流,或是表現出不同於一般野獸的特性過。\\ 我們姑且把龍當作是一種動物,當然,是一種非常狡黠的動物,只是可能缺乏自我意識和感性能力。畢竟史書上從未記載哪條龍曾與人類交流,或是表現出不同於一般野獸的特性過。\\
  \\  \\
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 唯一可考的拜龍教發源於塔文特帝國。在它誕生以前,那裏的人們普遍信仰舊神。第一次枯潮來臨後,絕望的塔文特人們便不再信仰那些被棄她們的神明,轉而信奉真實存在的巨龍。至少在它們眼裡,龍是可以看見的偶像,與大惡魔一樣,是神格的化身。此外,也有確鑿證據表明龍會為信徒提供一定程度上的保護。\\ 唯一可考的拜龍教發源於塔文特帝國。在它誕生以前,那裏的人們普遍信仰舊神。第一次枯潮來臨後,絕望的塔文特人們便不再信仰那些被棄她們的神明,轉而信奉真實存在的巨龍。至少在它們眼裡,龍是可以看見的偶像,與大惡魔一樣,是神格的化身。此外,也有確鑿證據表明龍會為信徒提供一定程度上的保護。\\
行 138: 行 140:
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 ))\\ ))\\
 +**Constellation: Draconis│星座:天龍座**\\
 + \\
 +Called "High Dragon" in common parlance, the constellation Draconis is always depicted by a dragon in flight. Recently, it has come into question whether this was the case in the ancient Imperium. Most Tevinter dragon imagery was reserved for the Old Gods, so why would they dedicate a constellation to dragons in general when specific dragons were held in such reverence? This speculation is fueled by older drawings showing Draconis as more serpentine in appearance, perhaps depicting a sea creature or an unknown eighth Old God that was stricken from historical record.│\\
 + \\
 + \\
 + \\
 + \\
 +**Hunter Shade Dracolisk│獵影**\\
 + \\
 +**Basking Longma│陽曬**\\
 + \\
 +**Abyssal Hang-Tooth│深淵懸齒龍**\\
 + \\
 +**Blue River Bane│藍河之舟**\\
 + \\
 +**Sharp Tail│銳尾龍**\\
 + \\
 +**Desert Lighting│沙漠閃電**\\
 + \\
 + \\
books/dragon_age.txt · 最后更改: 2015/05/15 13:08 由 ken1882